優秀な人材を引き付けて維持するのに苦労している場合、有害な文化を経験している場合、またはエンゲージメント レベルの低下に気づいている場合、あなたは一人ではありません。 人材市場が厳しい中、米国の雇用主の 69% が役割を果たすことができず、米国の従業員のわずか 3 分の 1 が従事しています。変化をリードしましょう。

The CultureID Journey:
Let's Build A Thriving Company Together
You don't have to develop your company culture alone. You'll have the dedicated support of a relationship manager, leadership development advocates, and data specialists to walk alongside you through your entire culture journey.

"We actually thought we didn’t need a tool like this, but are so glad we seized the opportunity because we uncovered so many new insights we were previously unaware of. We feel like a more cohesive team and appreciate the CultureID team’s professionalism throughout the process!"
"CultureID is very easy to navigate and provides so much value in the results! It’s helpful to be able to view our managers' performance from a different perspective and I love how easy it is to share results with staff."