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Through a partnership with OPEI, members and Equip Exposition exhibitors receive 10% off CultureID's advanced survey and leadership tools to lower turnover, increase productivity, and foster a vibrant workplace.

Schedule a tour to learn more and sign up!

Meet CultureID

Great Cultures Don't Happen by Accident


is a proud partner of 

Samee shuruudo ay shaqaaluhu ku horumari karaan.

Diyaar ma u tahay inaad ku bilowdo CultureID?

Mid ka mid ah Platform-ka Nooca A

Waxaan ka dhigaynaa mid fudud si aan u aqoonsanno dhaqanka shirkadda aad leedahay, si aad u abuuri kartaa dhaqanka shaqaalaha rabaan.

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Why CultureID?

A trusted partner is essential when handling employee feedback. With CultureID, you're choosing a service that's not just proven in its field, but also vetted by OPEI.

With CultureID you can collect feedback from every employee, regardless of location, access to technology, or language. CultureID is perfect for dispersed companies, global organizations, and industries with deskless workers.

Discover your baseline, build your plan, refine your strategy, explore results, equip your leaders, and keep a feedback loop.

The CultureID Journey:
Let's Build A Thriving Company Together

You don't have to develop your company culture alone. You'll have the dedicated support of a relationship manager, leadership development advocates, and data specialists to walk alongside you through your entire culture journey.

Discover your baseline, build your plan, refine your strategy, explore results, equip your leaders, and keep a feedback loop.

Our dual approach combines the CultureID Insights platform and the CultureID Institute's educational resources for maximum results.

Dhaqamada waaweynshil ha ku dhicin. 

Haddii aad la halgamayso soo jiidashada & haysashada kartida sare, beddelka ama dhaqanka sunta ah,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf're not alone_yo

Ganacsigaagu wuxuu u baahan yahay shaqaale ku hawlan si ay u koraan.

Shaqaaluhu waxay u baahan yihiin dhaqan wanaagsan si ay u koraan.


Management has been working hard to strengthen the importance to create a corporate culture where staff members at all levels treat each other with respect. Respectful interactions boost morale and talent retention.

Manufacturing CultureID Survey Participant

Working with friendly clients and some of the best guys I know everyday is the biggest reason I love working outdoors and climbing trees - it's like getting paid to be a kid.

Agriculture CultureID Survey Participant

The owners, and my supervisor value me as a leader and a person. I feel like my voice is always being heard, and they trust me to do the right thing to service our customers and our team members.

Manufacturing CultureID Survey Participant

OPEI logo, a client of CultureID.
Talking Rain Beverage Company logo, a client of CultureID.
CPAmerica logo, a client of CultureID.
Crescent Electric Supply Company, a client of CultureID.
Plastic Ingenuity, a client of CultureID.
Metron log, a client of CultureID.
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Building Success with Clients in Every Industry

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